Business Ideas That Require Small Capital Investment

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Find out How to Succeed in Network Marketing If You’re Not Good in Selling

“You don’t have to sell, all you have to do is register, use the products and invite others to register,” I was told by a friend when she invited me to join in one of the more popular MLM companies.  I never realized that inviting others to register is also selling - selling the company, selling the system, selling the marketing strategy and selling the products in general as well.

Just like me, most of us, if not all, just want to make money by joining an MLM business, but just as many end up wanting to quit in the first few months of trying.  I registered as I was told, used the products that goes with the registration kit or package and invited a few to join but the money didn’t come as expected.  Many of us would like to believe that we were just disillusioned and regretted at a certain degree the decision to join our MLM Company, and gradually come to believe network marketing is a scam.

When you read and hear about the success of other people in network marketing, especially if you personally some of them, you may wonder what went wrong.  What did they do that you didn’t?  Most of us believe that our own lack of ability in this field is the key factor behind our failure.  But, when you know personally those who succeeded, you will learn the fact that to achieve network marketing success, you do not have to dip into in selling at all.

Make Sure You Are In The Right Business

You have to think hard whether network marketing is the right business for you.  If you’re a person who finds it difficult to draw people’s interest, then it might be good to step back a little bit and again think harder before dipping your hands into the business.  However, it doesn’t mean that you will never make it big in the business because I also know of people who succeeded in the business and simultaneously developing certain skills on how to attract their audience.  People skills can be developed and it’s never too late to any of us. 

A successful network marketer does not attract customers by merely selling the products and services, but also educating the customers as well.  If you are endorsing a product with which you cannot connect to yourself, you will never be successful in any MLM business.  How can you convince others to use a certain product if personally, you are not using it?  You have to believe the quality and effectiveness of the products you sell because if you don’t, there is little chance that others will believe in it too.  So, if you want to achieve network marketing success without doing any selling, make sure you find the right company and the right products to endorse.

Develop a Winning Presentation

Education is the key.  Educate the masses and you will enjoy success.  Don’t do presentations if you’re unprepared.  If necessary, make a good script when you talk to, or meet with an interested person.  Your presentation should be informative and focused on the product benefits so as to drive the right message to your prospects that can make them want to buy what offer.  Doing this may not be difficult if you are a user of what you are offering because you may just be sharing a personal experience and it will come out very natural and not forceful. 

It is also very important to be a good listener to what your prospect may want to ask.  Make sure to clear all doubts.  There may be instances when you will not be able to answer all your prospects’ queries.  Tell them that you will get back to them when you find the right answer.  Make this an opportunity for you to make follow-up in the next few days or weeks.

Educating Instead of Selling

If you want to enjoy success in MLM business, adopt a 'no selling' approach.  Uninterested people have the tendency to walk away when they feel you are selling something, but will stay a while when they think you’re just sharing information.  Educate people by using facts and figures, and make them understand the benefits of buying from you or joining your business.

Change your mindset.  You will not be hard on yourself if your aim is to educate.  You will feel that time was not lost even if the person you’re making a presentation will not buy or join your business.  It will also encourage you to learn more and do research to make your presentation better, more informative and convincing.


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